Local secondary students celebrated their graduation last week from the New Energy Technology (NET) program. The program focused on technologies, engineering and emerging jobs with 27 students participating from secondary schools across Baw Baw and Latrobe City. Students were partnered with industry mentors to design, research and develop innovations and learn about the jobs of the future.
The Mine Land Rehabilitation Authority’s Education Officer, Andrew Mains, mentored a group of students from Drouin Secondary College across the year as part of the NET program. This saw the students considering the challenges and opportunities of rehabilitating Latrobe Valley’s coal mines with future generations in mind.
“It’s great to see students taking on a learning challenge and discovering more about jobs of the future.” Andrew said. “Mine rehabilitation affects young people particularly so involving them in these conversations is key.”
The Mine Land Rehabilitation Authority works with schools to deliver education programs about mine rehabilitation and has designed a suite of classroom resources and lesson plans aligned with the curriculum and customisable by subject area and year level.
Schools and community groups can request a speaker visit from the Mine Land Rehabilitation Authority by contacting contactus@mineland.vic.gov.au or 1800 571 966.